CoolProp.Plots.Plots module

CoolProp.Plots.Plots.InlineLabel(xv, yv, x=None, y=None, axis=None, fig=None)
class CoolProp.Plots.Plots.PropertyPlot(fluid_name, graph_type, **kwargs)

Bases: BasePlot

Create graph for the specified fluid properties

  • fluid_name (string or AbstractState) – The name of the fluid to be plotted or a state instance

  • graph_type (string) – The graph type to be plotted, like “PH” or “TS”

  • axis (matplotlib.pyplot.gca(), Optional) – The current axis system to be plotted to. Default: create a new axis system

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure(), Optional) – The current figure to be plotted to. Default: create a new figure

  • unit_system (string, ['EUR','KSI','SI']) – Select the units used for the plotting. ‘EUR’ is bar, kJ, C; ‘KSI’ is kPa, kJ, K; ‘SI’ is Pa, J, K

  • tp_limits (string, ['NONE','DEF','ACHP','ORC']) – Select the limits in T and p.

  • reciprocal_density (bool) – NOT IMPLEMENTED: If True, 1/rho will be plotted instead of rho


>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::Water', 'TS')
>>> plot.calc_isolines()
>>> import CoolProp
>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::R134a', 'PH', unit_system='EUR', tp_limits='ACHP')
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iQ, num=11)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iT, num=25)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iSmass, num=15)
>>> import CoolProp
>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::R245fa', 'TS', unit_system='EUR', tp_limits='ORC')
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iQ, num=11)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iP, iso_range=[1,50], num=10, rounding=True)
>>> plot.draw()
>>> plot.isolines.clear()
>>> plot.props[CoolProp.iP]['color'] = 'green'
>>> plot.props[CoolProp.iP]['lw'] = '0.5'
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iP, iso_range=[1,50], num=10, rounding=False)


See the online documentation for a list of the available fluids and graph types

calc_isolines(iso_type=None, iso_range=None, num=15, rounding=False, points=250)

Calculate lines with constant values of type ‘iso_type’ in terms of x and y as defined by the plot object. ‘iso_range’ either is a collection of values or simply the minimum and maximum value between which ‘num’ lines get calculated. The ‘rounding’ parameter can be used to generate prettier labels if needed.

draw_process(statecontainer, points=None, line_opts=None)

Draw process or cycle from x and y values in axis units

  • statecontainer (CoolProp.Plots.SimpleCycles.StateContainer()) – A state container object that contains all the information required to draw the process. Note that points that appear several times get added to a special of highlighted points.

  • line_opts (dict) – Line options (please see matplotlib.pyplot.plot()), optional Use this parameter to pass a label for the legend.


>>> import CoolProp
>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> pp = PropertyPlot('HEOS::Water', 'TS', unit_system='EUR')
>>> pp.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iP        )
>>> pp.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iHmass    )
>>> pp.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iQ, num=11)
>>> cycle = SimpleRankineCycle('HEOS::Water', 'TS', unit_system='EUR')
>>> T0 = 300
>>> pp.state.update(CoolProp.QT_INPUTS,0.0,T0+15)
>>> p0 = pp.state.keyed_output(CoolProp.iP)
>>> T2 = 700
>>> pp.state.update(CoolProp.QT_INPUTS,1.0,T2-150)
>>> p2 = pp.state.keyed_output(CoolProp.iP)
>>> cycle.simple_solve(T0, p0, T2, p2, 0.7, 0.8, SI=True)
>>> cycle.steps = 50
>>> sc = cycle.get_state_changes()
>>> pp.draw_process(sc)
>>> # The same calculation can be carried out in another unit system:
>>> cycle.simple_solve(T0-273.15-10, p0/1e5, T2-273.15+50, p2/1e5-5, 0.7, 0.8, SI=False)
>>> sc2 = cycle.get_state_changes()
>>> pp.draw_process(sc2, line_opts={'color':'blue', 'lw':1.5})
property isolines
savefig(*args, **kwargs)
class CoolProp.Plots.Plots.PropsPlot(fluid_name, graph_type, units='KSI', reciprocal_density=False, **kwargs)

Bases: PropertyPlot

Create graph for the specified fluid properties

  • fluid_name (string or AbstractState) – The name of the fluid to be plotted or a state instance

  • graph_type (string) – The graph type to be plotted, like “PH” or “TS”

  • axis (matplotlib.pyplot.gca(), Optional) – The current axis system to be plotted to. Default: create a new axis system

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure(), Optional) – The current figure to be plotted to. Default: create a new figure

  • unit_system (string, ['EUR','KSI','SI']) – Select the units used for the plotting. ‘EUR’ is bar, kJ, C; ‘KSI’ is kPa, kJ, K; ‘SI’ is Pa, J, K

  • tp_limits (string, ['NONE','DEF','ACHP','ORC']) – Select the limits in T and p.

  • reciprocal_density (bool) – NOT IMPLEMENTED: If True, 1/rho will be plotted instead of rho


>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::Water', 'TS')
>>> plot.calc_isolines()
>>> import CoolProp
>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::R134a', 'PH', unit_system='EUR', tp_limits='ACHP')
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iQ, num=11)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iT, num=25)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iSmass, num=15)
>>> import CoolProp
>>> from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
>>> plot = PropertyPlot('HEOS::R245fa', 'TS', unit_system='EUR', tp_limits='ORC')
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iQ, num=11)
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iP, iso_range=[1,50], num=10, rounding=True)
>>> plot.draw()
>>> plot.isolines.clear()
>>> plot.props[CoolProp.iP]['color'] = 'green'
>>> plot.props[CoolProp.iP]['lw'] = '0.5'
>>> plot.calc_isolines(CoolProp.iP, iso_range=[1,50], num=10, rounding=False)


See the online documentation for a list of the available fluids and graph types