CoolProp Online

The online version of CoolProp is stored at It is an application for web2py. It is deployed to PythonAnywhere, and served from there. To get it working:

Getting going on PythonAnywhere

  1. In PythonAnywhere, add a new web app, select your username

2. Make sure that you can get to and you don’t get an error (ok, good, web2py is running). Your admin page is 2. Open a shell in /home/YOURUSERNAME/web2py/applications 3. git clone coolpropgit to check out the application 4. Reset the web application in Web tab in PythonAnywhere, go to admin webpage (, make sure you can see coolpropgit application 5. Deposit a file called in /home/YOURUSERNAME/web2py with the contents:

routers = dict(
    BASE = dict(
  1. Restart the webservice

  2. Page should serve properly, and redirect to the appropriate page

Running application locally


Make sure you install mpld3!

Same basic protocol…

  1. Check out the source of web2py (

  2. Open shell in unzipped web2py folder

  3. cd applications

  4. git clone coolpropgit to check out the application

  5. cd ..

  6. python

Useful information