import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Increase the starting pressure a bit, behavior at very low pressure is problematic CP.set_config_double(CP.PHASE_ENVELOPE_STARTING_PRESSURE_PA, 1e4) SRK = CP.AbstractState('SRK','Methane&Ethane') SRK.set_mole_fractions([0.5, 1 - 0.5]) for kij, c in zip([0.0, 0.1],['r','b']): # Set the interaction parameter SRK.set_binary_interaction_double(0, 1, "kij", kij) # Some VLE calculations for p in [1e5, 1e6]: SRK.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, p, 0) plt.plot(SRK.T(), SRK.p(), '<', color = c) SRK.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, p, 1) plt.plot(SRK.T(), SRK.p(), '>', color = c) # Phase envelope SRK.build_phase_envelope("") PE = SRK.get_phase_envelope_data() plt.plot(PE.T, PE.p, '-', label = '$k_{ij} = $' + str(kij), color = c) # Critical point pts = SRK.all_critical_points() for pt in pts: plt.plot(pt.T, pt.p, '*', color = c) # A phase envelope calculated with SRK transformations in a multi-fluid model HEOS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS','Methane-SRK&Ethane-SRK') HEOS.set_mole_fractions([0.5, 0.5]) HEOS.build_phase_envelope("none") PE = HEOS.get_phase_envelope_data() plt.plot(PE.T, PE.p, '-', label = 'SRK with transformations in multi-fluid', color = 'g') plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]') plt.ylabel('Pressure [Pa]') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout()